Posted by Marie, on 16/07/2017

Multiroir is a specialist in the manufacture and sale of storage equipment for professionals. It manufactures, mainly in France, a wide range of storage and packaging products for a wide variety of sectors such as museums, jewellers, opticians, the food industry, the electronics industry, laboratories, etc.
In addition to this activity, which accounts for almost half of the turnover, Multiroir has developed the Mdose activity, dedicated to the logistics of medicines for various targets in the medical sector (hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, retirement homes, etc.). The company has built up recognised expertise in the drug circuit with products such as pillboxes, medicine cabinets, medicine trolleys and the preparation of doses to be administered. It is around this last activity that Mdose has honed its know-how to offer solutions for securing the medication circuit since 2010.
Firstly, with a device intended for dispensing pharmacists containing software to prepare weekly prescriptions for people living in retirement homes or at home. Mdose offers a complete solution that goes beyond the preparation of doses to be administered, as it secures the distribution of medicines from the time they are prepared by the pharmacist until they are taken.
Based on this experience, Mdose decided to go further by integrating connected objects into its product range. "We are very aware of the need to reduce drug-related iatrogeny (undesirable effects of medication errors) which, in addition to the sad human consequences it can generate, is the cause of very high hospitalisation costs", explains Florence Voillard, Managing Director of Multiroir. To minimise the risks associated with taking medication and also to facilitate the acceptability of the treatment, the company is designing a connected pillbox that will warn a third party - a supervisor, a member of the patient's family, etc. - that the treatment is being taken or ignored. This pillbox will initially be intended for pharmacies, EHPAD establishments (accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people) and people at home.
Paris Region Entreprises, an indispensable facilitator
"We have been relying on the expertise of Paris Region Entreprises for a long time," says the young Director. "First of all, to draw up our AIMA (Aide à la Maturation de projets Innovants) application*. Our advisor helped us to validate our various studies, to clearly define the contours of our project and finally to draw up the feasibility file which led to detailed specifications. The project turned out to be very promising, as the company soon obtained an AIR (Aide à l'Innovation Responsable)** which enabled it to finance its prototyping and experimentation. "I don't know how we would have got started without the help of Paris Région Entreprises. The support of our advisor, who is always at our side at these decisive moments, has enabled us to dare and to move forward," she continues. "In addition, the agency provides access to a huge network. We have been put in contact with a contact person from the La Poste group, with whom we are considering a partnership for distribution to elderly people dependent on the home. In the era of connected objects that will revolutionise the medical logistics market, Mdose is already well ahead of the game.
*AIMA (Aide à la Maturation de projets Innovants): Co-funded by the Île-de-France Region and Oséo Innovation, the aid for the maturation of innovative projects is intended to verify the feasibility of projects and to consolidate them. It is aimed at SMEs, research laboratories, but also projects led by "individuals", or collaborative projects (clusters and competitiveness clusters).
** As part of its Regional Fund for Innovation and Ecological and Social Conversion (FRICES), the Ile-de-France Region has set up aid for responsible innovation projects that respect sustainable development in its various components.
Article source: Paris Region Entreprises