Organ donation, you decide (Article

On the occasion of the national day of reflection on organ donation and transplantation, which takes place today, the Greffe de Vie Foundation is launching a new national campaign to raise public awareness of the importance of donating one's organs after death. France is currently experiencing a shortage of organs, so it's up to you to make the right choice... become a donor...
According to the Agence de la biomédecine, in 2011, more than 16,000 French people were waiting for a transplant, and only 4,945 of them were able to be transplanted. It is therefore urgent to make our fellow citizens aware of the importance of donating one's organs after death. If, according to the law, any person in a state of brain death is potentially a "donor", if he or she has not expressly specified to his or her relatives that he or she refuses to be a donor, in reality, hospital staff must ask for the family's agreement before carrying out any organ explantation operation. In a state of shock, the latter is hardly receptive.
In order to make the French aware of organ donation, the Greffe de Vie Foundation is today launching an awareness campaign focused on the shortage that currently affects our country. The campaign, which includes billboards and radio spots, aims to change people's mindsets by drawing a parallel between the waiting time perceived on the telephone and that experienced by patients in vital need of a transplant.