Mdose obtains the Label Indice Vert A from CAHPP - Conseil et Référencement
The health sector, whose mission is to protect and promote health, is a major contributor to the climate crisis. It has a crucial role to play in addressing the crisis.

The health sector's climate footprint is equivalent to 4.4% of global net emissions, or the equivalent of 2 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide. Its global climate footprint is equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions of 514 coal-fired power plants. Purchasing accounts for more than 50% of the sector's carbon footprint. A responsible purchasing policy will help to decarbonise the sector.
Fully aware of the challenges, Mdose has been committed for several years to simple and affordable approaches to environmental preservation. Several action plans have been put in place to reduce the company's impact on the environment.
In the same spirit, LA CAHPP integrates its stakeholders in an objective of continuous improvement. In 2012, it created the Green Index, which evaluates the sustainable development strategy of its listed suppliers every year, on a contractual basis and with evidence. Depending on the results, it awards the Green Index (A, A+, A++ or B rating).
Obtaining the Supplier Label is a way for the health care institution to make a responsible purchasing policy effective and impactful. It is also a way to push companies to continuously improve their virtuous practices and their image in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
This year Mdose is proud to obtain the Green Index A label from CAHPP. The awarding of this label encourages us to continue our efforts and to develop more projects related to sustainable development issues.