CNAV: a pension insurance mediator to settle disputes (

It is not always easy to claim one's pension rights... In this context, the Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse (CNAV) has set up in some regions since the end of April 2012, a national mediation system, which "extends the actions carried out by the regional funds to develop the quality of relations with their insured and retired persons".
More concretely, this mediator (Claude Périnel) has the mission to offer a new means of appeal to policyholders who have filed a claim or contested the processing of their file by their pension fund, if they are not satisfied or if they disagree with the response they received...
It should be noted that any insured person (or their legal representative) may refer the matter to the Retirement Insurance Ombudsman free of charge, if they have previously submitted a written complaint to their retirement fund and are not satisfied with the response. Anyone can refer the matter to the mediator by post or e-mail (see address below).
How does it work?
On receipt of your request, the ombudsman checks its admissibility. The ombudsman only examines cases that have already been answered in writing by your regional fund. If your request is admissible, the ombudsman acknowledges receipt within 15 days. He will then examine your case. He may provide you with an explanation of the decision taken by your regional fund. He may also make a recommendation to your regional fund to reconsider your claim.
The final decision lies with your regional fund. You will be informed of the outcome of your application.
This system was tested in 2012 for the pension funds in the Centre, Languedoc-Roussillon, Nord-Picardie and Normandy regions and will be extended to the whole of France from 2013.