A geriatrician's impressions of the Verger report

Catherine Rea, the geriatrician and medical advisor to FEHAP (Fédération des Etablissements Hospitaliers d'Aide à la Personne), spoke out following the publication of the Verger report.
Although she is rather satisfied with the report, she underlines the points that were not addressed in the report. Some of these points leave a number of questions behind.
On the subject of prescribing, for example, the report does not mention the problem of the cost involved in setting up a single software interface; or the problem of strengthening the role of the referral pharmacist within the Ehpad, which would result in the multiplication of his/her functions.
Another problem was raised by the geriatrician from FEHAP: the high volume of drug prescriptions in nursing homes.
Indeed, if many drugs are administered, it is because the patient suffers from several pathologies. The real problem is not the quantity prescribed but rather the incompatibility of the prescriptions. It is therefore necessary to highlight this risk of incompatibility between drugs.
To overcome these problems, communication between doctors, pharmacists and patients is necessary.
The elderly patient should be treated specifically so that the most appropriate treatment can be given.
When leaving care facilities, some patients may be afraid of forgetting to take their medication. This is why a number of solutions are available to make it easier for these patients:
For example, people who take a lot of medication can use daily pillboxes with several compartments, such as the ONE DAY BOX, to organise all of their daily doses.